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baby, baby bib, baby dribble, baby teething, bibs, burp cloth, dribble bib, muslin bibs, teething, teething baby -

Muslin is a plain woven 100% Cotten fabric that is durable, soft and lightweight. For these reasons muslin is the perfect fabric to use for baby essentials such as bibs and swaddles. Stiff, heavy fabrics are uncomfortable, especially for periods of longer wear. The Muslin bib allows the skin to breath, doesn’t get hot around the neck and is soft so doesn’t irritate the skin.Muslin bibs have “give” and our snap closures are placed in 2 different positions allowing the bib to grow with baby and allowing use of the bib for a longer period of time.If you have a...

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Awesome baby shower gift, baby shower, baby shower gift ideas, bibs, gift ideas, love to dream swaddles, muslin bibs, muslin swaddles, silicone jewellery, sinchies, sippy cups, stylish baby shower gift, swaddles, unique baby shower gift -

So you need a baby shower gift and you have no idea what to buy? We are here to help! Being a team of mums here ourselves, we like to think we have a good idea as to what we found useful. Our top 10 include: 1. Love to Dream swaddles - these are honestly the best! They come in a range of colours and weights, so lightweight for those hot nights and heavier weight for the cooler months. They help in creating a routine for bubs, nappy change then zip into swaddle, meaning time for sleep. They also last...

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amber, baby shower, baby teether, baby teething, baby wearing, bonjela, silicone jewellery, silicone teething necklace, teether, teething baby, teething rings, teething toy -

Teething is painful for babies, can cause them to be irritable, tired, whingey. Carers of teething babies need to look for symptoms and help their little ones overcome their teething pain. 

So what are our top tips...

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What Mum's REALLY want for Christmas. Our top 5 gifts for Mum. Yes, Christmas is about love and sharing good times with family and loved ones but mums are the ones who have spent the time and effort to ensure our family gets what they really want this Christmas.

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Our annual family holiday this year was to the Gold Coast. We decided to stay in Australia this time as traveling with 2 young children on a plane for 10 hours + just doesn't have the same ring to it as it once did... (not that traveling on a plane for that long ever sounds great, but it is certainly 1000 times easier than doing it with toddlers/threenagers). So a 45 minute trip on a plane sounded perfect. We had 2 weeks away with a 20 month old and a 3.5 year old. Here are some of our tips/recommendations: 1....

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