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baby teething, homemade teething, homemade teething biscuits, recipe, teething baby -

Want to attempt making your own teething biscuits? We have a tried and tested recipe that babies & kids alike will love: Homemade Baby Teething Biscuits Ok, I had to share these with you guys...any of you that have children, they don't even have to be of the teething have to make these! Why, you ask? Well, because I said so, obviously! Ha! No, really, they aren't the best tasting cookie, rather bland I think. But both my kids love them!! Gray calls them cookies and I totally don't mind him asking for these because they have either fruit...

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chew beads, chew jewellery, chew necklace, chewable necklace, children, extra strong chew jewellery, sensory chew necklace australia, sensory tools, sensory toys, silicone jewellery, Silicone teething jewellery, teething jewellery -

Does your child bite their fingers, chew on their clothes, or other items? Our Chew buddy pendants are perfect for children who need to be orally soothed... Did you know the mouth is one of the most sensory parts of the body? This also makes it the most effective way to regulate our behaviour, and the behaviour of our children with sensory processing issues. Sensory tools such as chewable necklaces are effective for children who are orally defensive and fussy eaters. For children with special needs, particularly those with ASD, chewing is a common behaviour. Kids with sensory issues may feel...

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Top five tips on how to host a baby shower on a tight budget! Baby showers are a great way for friends and family to get together and celebrate the impending arrival of a gorgeous new baby. As you know having a baby is an expensive exercise, there is the new pram, cot, bassinet, capsule or car seat or both, sometimes you need to upgrade your car, do up the nursery, nappies, bottles, wipes, burp clothes, clothes, teethers, swaddles... and the list goes on! Baby showers can really help you tick some of those needed items off the list. But...

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Awesome baby shower gift, baby, baby teething, bonjela, hylands teething tablets, jack n jill, teether, teething, teething baby, teething jewellery, teething jewellery for mums -

Jack N' Jill products have been a go to for my family and I decided I would love nothing more than introducing you to these amazing natural products. It all started with the toothpaste, finger brushes and now toothbrushes (the teething gel wasn't around when mine were teething). The quality was exceptional, the taste was very popular with the kids and i knew i was doing the right thing using natural organic products. I stuck with it, and then the thought sparked that I should share these products with you all! So here is a little information about the latest...

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autism, chew beads, chew jewellery, chew necklace, extra strong chew jewellery, sensory, Sensory processing disorder, sensory products, SPD -

We have a small range of sensory products for kids, known as Chew Buddy. Chew Buddy products are made from non toxic, BPA free silicone. They are durable and the perfect accessory for children who need to be orally soothed. Do you have a child (or adult) that chews the end of the pen or pencil? Then check out out sensory pencil toppers. We have a couple of designs and colours to choose from, and its a much safer option. We are always sourcing new sensory products, so keep an eye out!

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